Ako tau mulot ako nih mmg mulut lepas....Tp ako yg ako xske nk ckp2 blakang nih....I already try my best to mensatisfied sume org...But im not god...And plz do not act selfish....Im tired...No one thanking me for all ive done...They can just put all the blame on me...why?if you think u are good enough then why does you do nothing....bercakap shj xgune...Plz la put yr self in ma shoes...if u think u capable enough...buat la sume kije nih....ako nk tgk sejauh mane ko ble pergi...Asik2 setiap minggu muke ko....Sekali tak dapat nak merungut...What is this?Ako yg jarang2 dapat....penah kew ako dok2 bising mcm korg tuh...Pikir la logik...dah tua dah....If sume org pun selfish xkesian kew kt org yg berkorban and asik xkisah tuh...And then pasal benda kecik sume org nk bertekak...At this moment Sara really need us...if all of us acting like this...how she gonna face all of this...I know we must to help her and support her.....But we must know how and when...i dont want after this people outside there think that Sara xpandai buat kerja...taula nk tolong tapi kene ngan carenye...bukan buat kerja di belakang pengetahuan dia....That not the right way...just lets sara do her job and we as her friend and her colleague can give some opinion to improve and make Sara more brave to face client and our HR.....and really hate people yg tikam belakang and talam 2 muka...depan ckp lain belakang ckp lain...perlu kew acting mcm tuh...mcm BAB 1 sgt....