I'm yer kot sbb ske mkn cili...Ade kene mengene x?
2)Upload ur favourite picture of you

3)Why do you like that picture?
Yela feeling2 happy..happy family
4)When was the last time u ate pizza?
Pizza?Pizza hut dah di boikot...
5)The last song u listened to
Godai aku lagi....auuwwhhh
6)What r u doing right now besides this
Report..report...dan report...
7)What name would you prefer besides your?
Adela Sefia
People I tag..
1.Ms Wawa
2.Mr Justin
3.Ms Temah@Ann
8)Who is no 1
TL CPC..Ex CPS..N My Best Fwen...hehehehe
9)Number 3 is having a relationship with
Mr Koko Jumbo
10)Say something about number 5
5?xde sape yg no 5
11)How about number 4
Pun xde
12)Who is number 2
En RTFM..ex ye ex RTFM...n bakal PAPA