Tuesday, January 20, 2009

DITAGGED oleh Aisya&Justin

1)Do you think you’r hot?

I'm yer kot sbb ske mkn cili...Ade kene mengene x?

2)Upload ur favourite picture of you

3)Why do you like that picture?

Yela feeling2 happy..happy family

4)When was the last time u ate pizza?

Pizza?Pizza hut dah di boikot...

5)The last song u listened to

Godai aku lagi....auuwwhhh

6)What r u doing right now besides this

Report..report...dan report...

7)What name would you prefer besides your?

Adela Sefia

People I tag..

1.Ms Wawa

2.Mr Justin

3.Ms Temah@Ann

8)Who is no 1

TL CPC..Ex CPS..N My Best Fwen...hehehehe

9)Number 3 is having a relationship with

Mr Koko Jumbo

10)Say something about number 5

5?xde sape yg no 5

11)How about number 4

Pun xde

12)Who is number 2

En RTFM..ex ye ex RTFM...n bakal PAPA


Lissa Dasral said...

bkn isa kew yg cipta nama 2 nape ade kt akak nyer blog nih

Unknown said...

pic gue ngan ada sih??? gimana??

giteww !!!!!

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